The Keyword Challenge
In a shameless trick to promote my book, I put a discussion of an exercise of Bjarne Stroustrup on my web-pages: how to write a legal C++ program with ten distinct consecutive keywords. The proposed challenge was: how to make it eleven. And once someone finds that, how to align twelve of them... you get the idea.
Gargantua Blargg easily modified the ten-keyword demonstration to make it eleven:
int main() {
   if (false) {
   } else do
      return throw sizeof new signed long int const volatile(), 0;
   while (false);
What's more, he sent in this example that aligns 20 "extended keywords" (i.e., alternative tokens for various symbolic operators):
struct X {
   int f() {
      if (false) {
      } else do
           return throw compl
                        sizeof true
                        bitor false
                        bitand not this
                        or new signed long int volatile
                        not_eq unsigned(0)
                   , 0; // That's a comma operator before the zero
      while (false);
      return 42;

int main() {}

Impressive? Scary? Probably, but Anatoli Tubman sent in better yet:
signed long int volatile arr[1];

struct X {
   operator unsigned const short&() {
      static unsigned const short a = 0;
      return a;

   int f() {
      if (false) {
      } else do
           return throw compl
                        sizeof true
                        or false
                        xor not this
                        bitor new signed long int volatile
                        not_eq operator unsigned const short bitand()
                        +arr, 0;
      while (false);
      return 42;

int main() {}

Note the use of the bitand token instead of the ampersand ('&') to denote the reference type.

And that's 24 keywords...

Doing better than these is quite hard indeed. I have received a few examples with more keywords, but though they compile on particular compilers, they are not in fact valid ANSI C++.
If you can build a valid uninterrupted C++ sequence of twelve distinct classic keywords or 25 different extended keywords, e-mail me!

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